International Student Exchange & Homestay Program
Palliser School Division provides excellent learning opportunities to students in southern Alberta and around the world, preparing them for life in an increasingly competitive global environment. Palliser has been recognized as a leader in student achievement with some of the highest provincial testing results in Alberta. By providing small class sizes and a caring environment, Palliser offers excellent programming to local and international students from kindergarten to grade 12. Our expertise is teaching English as a second language as well as teaching reading and writing skills.
Palliser School Division is a school division located in the southern part of the Province of Alberta extending from the City of Calgary (population of 1.2 million) to the City of Lethbridge (population 90,000) and many smaller communities between. Palliser School Division offer a range of diverse settings to meet varying needs and interests and provide excellent academic programming that balances academics, athletics, and the arts. Some schools are infused with faith based programming, while others are not. Some require students to wear uniforms, and some do not.

Palliser International Education welcomes partnerships with international student recruitment agencies wishing to bring students to study in Southern Alberta. Palliser School Division offer international students one of the best ESL opportunities available in Alberta, effectively preparing students to attend Canadian universities...